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Symptoms, causes and prevention of corona virus Covid-19

Symptoms, causes and prevention of corona virus Covid-19

Corona Virus (COVID-19)
    This year there have been a lot of shocking events, let alone a very deadly virus. Maybe not as deadly as SARS or other viruses. But its spread is so fast that it makes the world panic, some countries had chaotic with the economy. Not yet death that always comes to haunt anytime.


But do you know what a corona virus is ??
Here is a little review :
   Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause mild disturbances to the respiratory system, severe lung infections, to death. Corona virus or Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. Although more often attacks the elderly, this virus can actually affect anyone, ranging from infants, children, to adults, including pregnant women and nursing mothers.

   Corona virus infection is called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus is very fast transmission
and has spread to almost all countries. This makes some countries implement policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of Corona virus. Because of its spread so fast that the most undesirable way to do. Even though there is work loss because you can't leave the house. But it is a good way to prevent the virus from developing more intense.
Symptoms of Corona Virus (COVID-19)
   The initial symptoms of a person getting a Corona virus infection or COVID-19 resemble the symptoms of the flu, namely fever, runny nose, dry cough, sore throat, and headache. After a while, the symptoms can disappear and heal or even worsen. Depending on the strength of one's immune system. If the imo power in our body is strong, maybe the disease will recover or at least be able to stop spreading. But patients with severe symptoms can experience high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath, and chest pain. The symptoms of COVID-19 generally appear within 2 days to 2 weeks after the patient is exposed to the Corona virus.

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Causes of Corona Virus (COVID-19)
   We know that the origin of this disease originated from Wuhan in China, there are various kinds of thoughts from where it came, whether it was man-made, deliberately made, human error or something else, obviously we do not want to speculate further. While from WHO, it is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans. However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to human.

COVID-19 can be affected by humans in various ways, namely :
• Accidentally inhaling saliva splashes (droplets) that come out when people with COVID-19 cough or
• Holding the mouth or nose without washing hands first after touching an object affected by saliva
  splashes of people with COVID-19
• Close contact with people with COVID-19

   Corona virus can infect anyone, but the effect will be more dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant women, people who have certain diseases, smokers, or people whose immune systems are weak. Because it is easily transmitted, the Corona virus is also at high risk of infecting medical staff treating patients with COVID-19. Therefore, medical personnel and people who have contact with COVID-19 patients need to use personal protective equipment (PPE).


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Corona Virus Prevention (COVID-19)
   Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19. Therefore, the best prevention method is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this virus, namely:
• Apply physical distancing, which is to maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people,
  and not to leave the house unless there is an urgent need.
• Use a mask when doing activities in public places or crowds, including when you go shopping for
• Routinely wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol,
  especially after doing activities outside the home or in public places.
• Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before washing hands.
• Increase endurance with a healthy lifestyle.
• Avoid contact with people with COVID-19, people suspected of being positively infected by the
  Corona virus, or people who have a fever, cough, or runny nose.
• Cover mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness, including cleaning the house.

For people suspected of being affected by COVID-19 or included in the ODP (monitored person) or PDP (patient under surveillance) category, there are steps that can be taken so that the Corona virus is not transmitted to others, namely :
• Do independent isolation by staying apart from other people for a while. If it is not possible, use a
  bedroom and bathroom that is different from what others use.
• Do not leave the house, except for treatment.
• If you want to go to the hospital when the symptoms get worse, you should first contact the
  hospital to pick up.
• Forbid and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until you are completely healed.
• As much as possible do not meet with people who are sick.
• Avoid sharing the use of eating and drinking utensils, toiletries, and sleeping equipment with others.
• Wear a mask and gloves when in a public place or with someone else.
• Use tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, then immediately throw the
  tissue in the trash.

   If you want to get more information about symptoms, prevention, and facts about the Corona virus, please consult with your doctor directly who understand more about it.
Hopefully this article helps a little for those of you who want to know about the meaning, symptoms, causes and prevention. Please comment below if you have more questions.