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Publisher BItcoin Cointraffic

Publisher BItcoin Cointraffic

Working in the Cryptocurrency industry for several years, the founders of Cointraffic had a strong feeling that the market will be developing really fast, seeing many perspective projects constantly appearing on the scene.

However, one of the biggest challenges that every project faced was a lack of quality and niche related traffic. Back in the days, in the era of faucets and pay-per-click services, the only way to get targeted users was a personal outreach and direct cooperation with the Crypto related Publishers.

This approach was complicated and expensive since all the advertising positions bought directly didn’t have any geo or device targeting options. That forced Advertisers to pay for the traffic that they didn’t actually need and wasted a lot of budget in the long run.

Things will never be the same
This is the time when the idea of the niche-specific advertising network was established and implemented in the first version of Cointraffic platform released in 2013. Top Cryptocurrency related projects were united with an automated system, which allows easy set-up and management of advertising campaigns on hundreds of different websites. Both Advertisers and Publishers got a connecting solution that saved a lot of time and money.

Concentrated on network development, Cointraffic has faced all the challenges traditional advertising networks are very familiar with. The critical issue that required resolution was banner blindness, which was resolved by adding new advertising formats on offer.

Sticky and sliding formats together with innovative HTML5 technology have moved the whole advertising industry to the next level. These “always on top” positions are not only highly clickable but were also designed with the purpose of increasing user engagement and decreasing banner loading time.

Battle for the innovation
Deep understanding of the market needs helps Cointraffic to identify pain points of the ad network users and offer appropriate solution. For the Advertiser, who often find themselves short of time to develop creatives in-house, we propose HTML5 banner development service. This approach provides fast and hassle-free campaign launch optimizing marketing resources.

Nowadays Cointraffic is a pioneer company on the Crypto advertising field, offering most innovative ad formats which will catch the attention of relevant audiences’ eyes. With more and more services and formats constantly being added to the arsenal, we are building a strong bridge between Advertisers and Publishers.
Publisher BItcoin Cointraffic

Monetize your Crypto or Bitcoin related website

Boost your revenue by placing relevant ads and professionally-written content on your website.
Booming results with more than 400 Crypto Publishers

High commissions
Maximum rates on the market are ensured due to the top quality nature of the Crypto websites that are accepted to the network.

Easy to set up

Most of our advertising formats are implemented with one single unified code added to your website.

Fast payouts
Have your commission sent directly to the Bitcoin wallet or bank account of choice. You can request it any time you want!

Tons of active ads
No need to spend your time on selling ads, simply focus on your website development and let us take care the monetization question for you.

Only top-notch Partners are accepted  
The ads are being shown on top quality Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin related websites only, creating a flow of highly targeted and valuable Crypto audience.

Publisher BItcoin Cointraffic

Most efficient Banner Ad formats
You can use JPG, PNG, GIF and HTML5 formats both for desktop and mobile devices. In addition every banner campaign can be analyzed separately using a dedicated report.

The most prominent positions coupled with great brand awareness make in-page banners the #1 choice for marketers.

This banner appears in the corner of the screen above the main content instantly attracting the users attention.

The most visible banner position on the site. Situated at the top of the page and stretching to the entire width of the users screen.

Stuck to the bottom or top of the page and visible all the time, even if the user is scrolling the page.

Your target link with be opened in a new browser tab. One of the most effective ad formats to instantly draw visitors’ attention.

Placed all over the background of the site this format not only boosts awareness but also reaches a larger audience.

Company Name
Commission Type CPC, CPM
Minimum Payout €10
Payment Frequency      Request
Payment Method Bitcoin                           
Country France