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Understanding, benefits Stock Opname

Stock Opname: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Tahap-Tahapnya

Stock count result is one form of calculation activities of stock goods inventory in warehouse before sale. This activity is quite time-consuming, because you will check and do the calculation of goods that are in the warehouse directly.
In addition, in the calculation also there should be no mistake or some missed, because later will affect the stock of goods sold.

Nowadays with the development of technology, there is already a barcode name. By using the barcode, the process of stock count result can be done faster and efficiently. In addition to using barcode, errors in recording and calculation of goods can be more minimised.

Why should Stock Opname?
Stock count result activities are done to know exactly and correctly about the supply of goods in the record of bookkeeping and goods in the warehouse. Whether the number is equal or different. If found more goods than the one written in stock opname, it can be checked, whether the possibility of any unrecorded transaction or error in recording.
If there is a deficiency, usually it can be done in two ways is to make a journal adjustment of the shortage of goods, or can also the company to charge the officer of the stock count result do the wait for the shortage of goods.

What are the benefits of Stock Opname?
• Minimizing deviation to the goods, whether it is a deficiency or a surplus.
• Be able to follow up quickly if there is a lost item or shortage of goods, so it does not happen to void
  the stock of goods.
• Can be used as an analysis of previous years so that the development of the company can be known.
• Know exactly the current inflows and exits of goods.
• Know the condition of the goods in the warehouse for sure.

When is Stock Opname done?
For this question, the answer is dependent on the company's approved policy. Generally, the period for carrying out stock count result is done in the annual period, quarterly (4 months), quarter (3 months), there is even a month once.
Destination Stock Opname
The purpose of stock count result is not only to know the company's supplies, but also can be done for cash, assets, receivables, and debts.
The purpose of the stock count result is to know the truth of the record in the company's bookkeeping, which includes one of the functions for internal control system (SPI). Through this activity, there will be a situation that occurs between record keeping and physical supplies.

In some companies stock count result is done for the supply of goods and cash, while the stock count result in the manufacturing company is done for the supply of raw materials, auxiliary materials, semi-finished goods, and finished goods.

Officers who are appointed to carry out stock count result are usually audit officers who are not personnel registrar of supplies from the company's internal. So it is done independently in hopes of delivering truly accurate results.

Stage do Stock Opname
To run stock opname, you need a team, which is a counter team and an input team. We will discuss a wider range of steps to do stock opname.
Early stage
This stage is usually done in the far-away days, about a week before the stock opname process. At this stage, communication will be more done with people warehouse.

Preparation phase
At this stage means the day of execution of stock count result is approaching the day H. This preparation phase is usually done on the H-1.

Stock level Opname
This stage is the day when the stock count result is done. Reassure that all stock related transactions are already input all to the program. After all the stocks have been input into the program, print all the stock of the program as a stock guideline.
Then after the stock count result is completed, the next thing to do is to do a re-check on the stock difference. Whether or not there is any difference in the stock.
After all the process is completed, then the result of the stock count result is handed to the accounting section to be done adjustment stock or adjustment of inventory to the program.

Opname Stock Period
In general, stock count result is performed at the end of the year or even at the end of the month, depending on the company's policy. Determining the right period to do stock count result can be adjusted to the level of importance and the ability of the company in doing so.

That's a little review of the meaning, purpose, benefits of stock count result