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Infolink High-Pay ads

Infolink High-Pay ads
What is Infolinks?
Infolinks IT service providers In-Text-Advertising that allows the owner of the blog or website to benefit from In-Text-Advertising in the form of advertising revenue without any risk. Infolinks is the third largest market site in the world. The Platform encourages revenue for more than 100,000 sites in 128 countries.

Infolinks are included in the Text Pay Per Click Advertising type that targets text ads in the form of links that correspond to the keywords in articles, webpages, or on the blog of Buddy posts.

Ad Type Infolinks
These types of ads will appear at the bottom of the blog. The shape usually floats when someone visits the blog.

This is the ad type most widely used by the Infolinks Publisher. These ads will appear in a blog post by targeting certain keywords.

This type is the same as Google Adsense's contextual advertising. There will be a row of words or tags that can bring up ads.

This type will appear on the outside of your template. Sometimes it looks in a popup on the right and left blog.

So what AJA condition let our website or blog in Aprove by Infolinks?
While Infolinks essentially supports all types of languages, there is still an absolute requirement to be met when you first sign up. 
Here are some things to be aware of before applying to Infolinks
- Have sites like blogger, WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla..
- English, German or Spanish language sites.
- Your blog or site is of good quality.
- Have traffic or unique visitors
- Have posts or articles

Payment/Payment Retrieval
According to the rules made by Infolink, Publisher can withdraw the income if it exceeds the threshold or payment threshold of $50 and also Infolinks provide payment services via Paypal, Bang Wire, Western Union, eCheck, Payoneer, Bank.
The dollar will go into the account or account you use no later than for 30 days when you make an income withdrawal on Infolinks.

What are the revenue opportunities from Infolinks?
As to how big the average earnings in infolinks are actually being split from the number of visitors and the number of clicks generated from the placement of ads on your site and also the country factor that the ad click is also very influential with your revenue such as traffic from America it is very expensive.

Company Name
Commission Type CPC, CPM, IN-text
Minimum Payout $50
Payment Frequency      Net45
Payment Method PayPal, Wire, cheque, Payoneer
Country US