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Monetizing your Blog with Native Ads MGID

 Monetizing your Blog with Native Ads MGID

Monetizing your Blog with Native Ads MGID

Native Ads MGID is one of the services to monetize blogs. MGID is an online advertising provider company founded in 2004 by a young Ukrainian programmer, Stanislav Telyatnikov. Initially, the MGID was based in New York in 2008, but in order to draw closer to customers, it has since 2014 based in Los Angeles. MGID is an online advertising player that is quite old and still exist until now. Even to follow the technological developments, the MGID launches ads with the Native Ads concept.

To become a publisher MGID easy-to-hard. The main requirement is that the blog has approximately 1000 views per day. For a new blog is certainly a constraint, let alone the blog is approved done manually. For free blog languages but does not contain articles that violate the same TOS as other PPC ads such as Google adsense, Adnow, etc.

The ad placements banned by MGID are:
-Widget placement that coats the video player
-A hidden click-through link that automatically sends users to a MGID advertiser landing page
-Placements generate high volumes of forced click and fraud
-Placements on pages containing adult content
-The placement on the page contains illegal downloads of files, videos, programs, games, etc; Streaming related websites, torrents, etc.
-Widget placed in floating block, which moves with scroll pages and/or view above website content

The excess ad MGID
-Script ads are fairly lightweight
-The ad display is quite interesting even sometimes tempting visitors to click on it.
-Support for English blogs and advertisements
-There is a support service through the personal Account manager that has been designated (via Emal and Skype)
-The MGID dashboard is complete enough to know and monitor the development of ads and their results
-Earnings based on CPC (number of clicks) and CPM (number of impressions)
-Wigdet ads can be installed and adjusted for the header, in the article or sidebar

Lack of MGID ads

-The registered Blog has a minimum views limitation of about 1000
-Relatively few ads so that the ads look just that – that's all
-Click and per thousand airing values are relatively small
-Blog approved or not to be installed MGID ads, done manually.
-Payment (PO) waiting 30 days
-Minimal PO $100

Despite its advantages and disadvantages, the MGID is however an alternative to earning from blogging.

Company Name
Commission Type CPC, CPM, CPA, Revenue Share
Minimum Payout $100
Payment Frequency      Net30
Payment Method PayPal, Webmoney     
Country US

Want to try? Sign up here.