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Why do I need insurance?

Why do I need insurance?

Why do I need insurance?

Insurance is key so you can focus on what matters most in your life because insurance will ensure your financial security and family when something unwanted happens. When large financial expenses such as hospital expenses or medical bills surge, insurances help to keep them, so you can focus on achieving your dream.

Here's how :
  • Health insurance will help pay your medical bills when you are diagnosed with a certain disease, injury or suffer from disabilities
  • Protecting your income with insurance can guarantee the earnings you receive when you are in a condition that is no longer working.
  • Life insurance guarantees the finances of the people you love when you can no longer work. Having this type of insurance allows them to keep enjoying a comfortable life without worrying.
  • Educational and retirement insurance products help you to achieve everything that matters to you, such as preparing for overseas education funds for your child or enjoying a comfortable life during retirement period
  • Dual insurance helps you more than just increase your savings funds and pass it on to your family. These products can also be used to finance your medium to long term plans, such as increasing property value, taking higher education, and even providing funds for your holiday
When is the right time to start having insurance?

Now you understand why you need insurance-here are some other important suggestions :

When is the right time to start having insurance?
Faster, better! The most appropriate moment to start protecting your health and life, is the first time you receive your income. Getting the protection early will give you a chance to pay a low premium. Choose the type of protection and premium to suit your needs and budget, and you will also be able to adjust the coverage value according to your changing situation and condition.

What kind of insurance should I buy?
Protection over your health and family is the main one, then pay attention to the types of insurance that can protect household finances if the unexpected happens to you. Next, consider insurance that will provide future savings funds for you and your family.

What kind of insurance do I need to have?
You can choose health insurance or life insurance according to your needs and funds. To determine which is best suited, you should be able to manage your finances well and ensure you can set aside some of the revenue to use when unwanted things happen or when you are sick. Please consult the energy Marketing to determine the right type of insurance for you. There are a few things to consider, such as your age, budget, and future plans.

What are the first types of insurance coverage that I should have?
As a first step, you should start with personal health insurance that protects your most important needs. This insurance protects you from the risk of accidents, provides coverage for hospital costs, operations and other medical needs.

What should I do to protect the future of my family?

Protect yourself first, it's the main one. Then protect your family by making sure they have enough funds to finance all the necessities.
What should I do to protect the future of my family?
These requirements include the cost of children's education, home payments, the anticipated fund for emergencies, as well as funds for other liabilities such as parents in the elderly.

Will insurance reject me if my family line has a history of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and high blood?
If your family has a history of these diseases, you will be charged higher than the normal premium of 25% to 50%. That is why it is very important for you to have insurance as early as possible – as long as your health is still primed. Chances are that you will still get an insurance coverage even if you have a history of the health, and even allow you to not incur additional charges.

Don't procrastinate to have health insurance, as the longer, the more likely it is to incur additional charges or disqualification. However, paying higher premiums remains much better than not having insurance at all especially when you fall ill.

What if I can't pay the premium due to financial difficulties or get a health problem?
There are several options to help you get through tough times. One of them is taking premium leave or premium loan. Other options can also give you the benefit of a monthly income when you're no longer able to work.

Some educational insurance products have additional benefits, where when the parent falls ill or dies, then the child will be exempt from the obligation to pay the premium and ensure the education cost of the child is paid in full upfront.

I am currently enduring the needs of my parents. Are there any products that can give them protection if if anything happens to me?
Yes, there are many insurance products where you can ask your parents to be heirs who will receive a single payment if something unwanted happens to you. This protection helps to take care of your parents ' financial needs. You can also register them for insurance products that will reimburse the costs associated with hospitalization, surgery, physiotherapy and even traditional Chinese treatments and treatment. This product offers monthly benefits or full payment (lump sum) when experiencing defects.

Why should I spend money on insurance rather than high interest deposits or investments for my child's education?
The principle of insurance is to protect and prepare you and your loved ones in the face of various scenarios that may occur. Indeed deposits are safe and offer a high rate of interest, but child education insurance products have been designed to guarantee the payment of child education costs so that you do not have to worry about the cost of education. And if something happens to you, you don't have to worry because your family's financial security has been well managed.

Having savings in the bank is a good start. But to ensure that your money is well managed for you – and can complement your savings – insure the answer, because insurance offers a higher return on investment and better in anticipating the incident that Unwanted. Your needs depend on the stage of your life, and insurance gives you options based on your needs at such different stages. Whether you are young and unmarried, or have had children, or enter the retirement age, insurance can provide a variety of benefits and advantages so you can be calm. There are a variety of insurance products that provide comfort, such as guaranteed protection, payment and long-term accumulation of funds-all provide financial resilience for you at an affordable cost.

Now you can certainly see what is meant by insurance and how you can gain the benefits. Please contact and learn the most appropriate products for you.