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Assurance panindai-ichilife

Asuransi panindai-ichilife

Panin Life is one of the leading life insurance companies that has been serving Indonesian people for more than 40 years. It is part of the Panin Group of Companies engaged in the financial services industry. Supported by a network of services and marketing through agents, employees, and various business partners in various major cities in Indonesia, Panin Life grew with its customer trust through a reputation of excellent service, especially in the payment of claims That is fast and reliable.

Dai-Ichi Life is one of the largest life insurance companies in Japan with more than 110 years of experience in the life insurance industry with international business network in various countries in the world. Dai-Ichi Life is also registered as a public company in Japan with the rank of "A" from Fitch and the rank of "A +" from Standard & Poor's (as of June 2015).

In 2013, Panin Life and Dai-ichi Life entered a new era to form a strong joint-venture partnership with the name Panin Dai-ichi Life. Through an innovative and comprehensive product range, Panin Dai-ichi Life provides a wide range of protection programs tailored to the needs of individual and corporate customers, especially life insurance, investment and sharia products. Panin Dai-Ichi Life is committed to maintaining its service at the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

Panin Dai-ichi Life is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), as stated in the decision copy of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) number KEP-625/NB. 1/2013 concerning business license.

Visi dan Nilai panindai-ichilife.

Vision & Value
Panin Dai-ichi Life will be the leading and trusted retail financial services company in Indonesia, which is able to satisfy the needs of customers in every stage of life.


Panin Dai-ichi Life has values to guide every step of the company, ranging from strategic planning, daily decision making, to how the company treats customers and other stakeholders. Panin Dai-Ichi Life's commitment is in the abbreviation of WE LEAP.

Work with Integrity
Empower Teamwork
Leading in Innovation
Assured Customer Satisfaction

Asuransi Pendidikan

The one that has been preferred is the education protection
Because every parent would want to give the best education to their hearts. However, for the best education, it also takes a very expensive fee.
Therefore, every parent should be wise in determining his step and decision today to prepare the future education costs of his son with educational insurance products from Panin.
Time becomes very important because the delay of parents in making decisions is very unwise for the person, remembering in life will always be in contact with the risks of life, such as accidents, illness Critical, Total permanent disability or even close age. If any of these risks occur it may result in their loss of the chance to get his best education. Regret will not only be felt by parents, but the very heart has to endure that regret throughout their lifetime. It is very ironic if it happens to you who currently have a son daughter but still think to prepare the education Fund for them.

 But also do not leave the other insurance like
  • Health protection
  • Protection with investments
  • Sharia protection
  • No less with other insurance

More details you can check directly to the official website