Ojooo is a company registered in Hamburg, Germany. They started PTC services in 2012. Today Ojooo is one of the most popular PTC sites after Neobux and Clixsense.
How do you make money on Ojooo?
Just like other PTC sites, Ojooo will also pay after we see the ad. Other people place their ads on the Ojooo site and we will get paid after clicking on the ad. If we click on several ads a day we will not get a lot of dollars except 2 cents or 4 cents. But if you implement a simple strategy you can get a lot of money with this PTC site.
How do you get money from Ojooo wad without referrals and infestations?
1. First, please register as an Ojooo member
Click the banner below and register. And it's definitely free!
2. After you register, please login to your account and click "View Ads".
Make sure you click on all the ads. You have to do this every day, many people fail because they don't have patience and give up after a few days.
Continue to click on all the ads every day, this is the beginning so that we reach $ 50 per day.
3. When your Main Balance reaches $ 0.60, you can rent the first 3 referrals (1 referral price of 0.20 for 1 month).
what table we get per click referral.
4. Continue to click on all the ads every day and rent referrals as much as possible.
You can rent a new referral every 7 days. As a Standard Member we can rent a maximum of 100 referrals.
5. When you reach a maximum of 100 referrals, save your daily income
Indeed it will take a lot of time, but try to be patient to reach the Peak.

Traffic exchange is also available
Start autosurf to earn minutes
1. What is the traffic exchange and how does it work (Traffic Exchange)?
Traffic Exchange is a system of free exchange of traffic between websites. As a WAD user, you earn points by viewing other users' pages, and they can view your pages in return, when your points get assigned to the particular campaing.
To advertise your pages you don't need to have money on your account, you only need to visit other users pages. Traffic exchange is the cheapest form of advertising - if you do not have time to surf to earn points for your own advertising, then you can now buy 10000 minutes for $22.99.
2. How can I profit from this? (earning by surfing).
To collect points required to advertise you pages you need to watch the others' adverts. The ad is calculated on the basis of time. Every second spent at the advertiser's webpage earns you 0.5 second of you own advetisement time.
Link: Start autosurf to earn minutes
3. How to advertise?
You may advertise yourself in this service in two ways:
Choosing a payable campaign at: https://wad.ojooo.com/adver.php or using the minutes you earned while surfing. To do this go to: https://wad.ojooo.com/te_panel.php and go as follows:
- add a campaign - fill in all the blank spaces with correct values. Once the form is filled in the campaign will await acceptation by our moderator.
- once accepted at the: https://wad.ojooo.com/te_panel.php an possibility of adding the advert commercial time will appear. To add the time use the "+" icon. Set the comercial time and define the geographical filter if needed.
- return to the advert list and active the campain by clicking "Play".
You may control the campain's progress by choosing the statistics button (the bar chart symbol) aside a given campaign.