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To increase income at Neobux we must and must have referrals, both direct referrals and by leasing / buying from NeoBux. Direct referrals can be the people closest to us, friends, relatives or anyone who joins through the links that we provide or promote in classified ads. To get this direct referral usually takes a long time. Not to mention our direct referrals are people we do not know and are not actively clicking on ads and we can not communicate with them. Because in NeoBux there is a provision that if 30 days our account is inactive, then our membership will be deleted and if we want to register again with the same data then it will not work, unless our data changes completely.

The following are important terms for your referral rental:
• Rental Balance Is your balance to manage your referrals
• Recycle = a place to manage referrals after we have referrals
• Renew referrals = To extend referral rent for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 180 days
• Mainbalance = is saving your balance from the results of your ad clicks
• Rented = is a menu where you can see the performance of your rented referrals
• Direct referrals = Direct referrals that you get from your downline links.
• AVG = the average number of referral clicks for 10 days

The following is a strategy that must be followed if you want to succeed in participating in online business at PTC NEOBUX:

Strategy using capital :
  1.  Fill in your PayPal account balance
  2. Upgrade your membership from a standard member to a Golden member for 1 year, if you upgrade your membership to Golden you will be given more commissions and advertisements per day than you become a standard member,
  3. If you click on your own for standard members the next day is if 10 advertisements 10x $ 0.01 = $ 0.1, that's if you work alone without referrals, for that you are required to buy 1600 referrals and upgrade your membership to Golden, to rent referrals at PTC NEOBUX by transferring your funds from your PayPal account balance to the rental balance.
  4. Let's just say your referrals are all standard members of 8 and 10 advertisements per day with only 2 clicks on ads
  5. Henceforth it is recommended that after the referral rental expires for 90 days, make additional referrals again by transferring from your main balance to the balance rental balance followed by referral rent from your previous 1600 referrals to 2000 referrals, for the long term it is recommended to extend the rent again referral for 150 days
  6. And we are ready to harvest every day

Strategy without capital :
  1. For standard Members at NEOBUX PTC get 8-10 advertisements per day $ 0.001 up to $ 0.01 ad click and $ 0.005 ad click for referrals, If there are 10 advertisements per day usually 2 ads are worth $ 0.01 more than $ 0.001 so for 10 advertisements range from $ 0.008 + $ 0.02 = $ 0.028, for 72 days (72 x $ 0.028 = $ 2,016). After having $ 2 in the main balance transfer transfer to your rental balance for referral rental.
  2. After you rent a referral click the rented referral section in your NEOBUX account and you are directed to a page to manage the referral rental, setting "Auto Pays" to Enable Mode so that when your referral rental expires less than 10 days it is automatically paid from the rental balance your balance.
  3. Once your main balance reaches $ 1, transfer the balance back to rental balance, when you reach a few cents a day it is very important to make enough money in your Rental Balance to manage your referrals, because you can only transfer in multiples of $ 1. When you complete this transfer and have at least $ 2.50 in the rental balance, rent another 3 referrals, continue this process until you make $ 1 every day on the main balance,
  4. Continue the process of managing referrals as before until you reach 800 referrals. At this point stop the referral rental and you only maintain your referral.
  5. When you become a golden member, keep your referrals like the previous process. Every week do to rent referrals until you reach 2000 referrals.
  6. And we are ready to harvest every day