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After a personal manager registers and activates your account, you can create a campaign in which you will choose landing pages to direct traffic. As a rule, activation takes between 1 and 5 business hours from the time of registration. As soon as we see your registration, our manager will get in contact with you using the specified contact information to discuss any questions that you may have.

The landing page is the target wap-click page of the cellular carrier. It is devoted to a particular topic, to which the user of your website or ad network is directed.

The subject matter is a specific topic determined by the services providers. All landing pages must be devoted to a particular topic. The traffic should strictly match the topic of selected landing pages.

The campaign is a tool for getting a promo link for directing traffic. It consists of the following key features::

    selection of landing pages
    determination of promo link parameters for postback and statistical tracking
    configuration of Postback
    configuration of Trafficback, with the option to forward parameters from the promo link
    viewing the IP address of carriers

You may conduct several campaigns at once.

Postback - your URL for receiving get parameters about events in the affiliate program.

Trafficback - your URL for receiving back traffic for which you did not configure landing pages in your campaign.
Affiliate program sections
CAMPAIGNS and how to configure them
What is «SmartLink-campaign»?

This kind of campaign lets to convert traffic of any carriers without selecting landing page. You can choose vertical only and category, if it needs, our system will do all other actions, it will send the user to landing page, which has the best conversion rate for needed carrier. Use SmartLink not look for the best solution by yourself.
What does the option «SmartLink» mean for a custom campaign?

This option lets to convert traffic of any carrier without depends of selected landing page. If this option is switched on, traffic which not matches with selected landing pages will be sent to Trafficback of campaign.
Where can I see the IP address of each carrier?

In the campaign configuration, the IP addresses are specified in the Range and CIDR formats for those carriers whose landing pages have been selected.
How can I choose landing pages with different topics for a single campaign?

This is categorically forbidden, and therefore impossible. The direction of a single traffic source to landing pages on different topics is perceived by carrier as misleading their subscribers and can be punished with fines. We also impose fines on violators of this principle.

With Golden Goose, you get access to all the existing technologies for monetizing mobile traffic Golden Goose (GG Network) is a global agency that specializes in mobile performance-based marketing

With Golden Goose, you can monetize traffic around the world
- Support 24/7
- Daily payments
- Convenient statistics
- Direct connections
- Fraud algorithm
- Free tracking platform

Don’t be greedy

We do not promise the highest rates on the market, but we are always ready to negotiate individual terms of cooperation with each partner
Pay on time

We know that you invest your own money into promotion and we appreciate your trust by always paying in time
Don’t fall behind

We don’t sell bananas. We work on a high-tech market and are always among the first to implement cutting-edge solutions